M and C Latin Trade Consulting is an innovative, results oriented International Business Consulting Firm, focused on developing the markets of Chile, Colombia, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Panama and Peru. If you need sales, but are not sure you can produce them on your own in such foreign markets, where you need a local connection who understands the business environment, the culture and the language, M and C Latin Trade Consulting can help you get there. Our team has done it in the past, and we can do it again together!!!

At M & C, we will take time to understand your value proposition and competitive advantages, and we will work with your company on defining clear attainable objectives, starting with three simple questions:
Where we are today?
Where do we want to be?
How will we get there?

Success in international markets depends on many factors, but all competitive strategies will have to include:
A clear focus on international markets, with support and commitment from all levels including Senior Management
An effective relationship building process
A flexible and innovative company mind set
Let M&C help you build a winning strategy

Right, that is what we are talking about, results that you can take to the bank. We are not in the business of counting steps, or selling you processes, we are in the business of producing a stream of profitable operations that increase the value of your company.